Tuesday, November 17, 2009

a dapple of my weekend.

My weekend had lots of highs, but also lots of lows

which probably contributed to my delay in posting these photos.

(I guess it's only Tuesday, but . . .)

Regardless, it was nice to finally be home for a weekend,

and not driving miles upon miles.

My weekend included:

:: scrapbooking with MH,

:: happy hour-ing (yes, I just made that a word),

:: making headbands,

:: finding the kind of beer I drank when I was in Haiti,

:: making good use of my new umbrella,

:: and a trip to Northampton for thrifting, eating, walking, and perusing.

Now to tackle another work week . . . . .


  1. I love red stripe !! especially the cute little bottles.

  2. You always make everything look like so much fun! I can't wait to be there with you and do fun things!

  3. Oh Ruth these places are all so familiar to me, even the fortune in the dressing room! I know you had terrible weather on Saturday but I hope you had fun in Northampton. I see you visited a lot of places on my list ; )

  4. ps: thank you for your comments this week, and for keeping my family and I in your thoughts. I really appreciate it.

  5. You have a great, unique way of looking at things...you appreciate them for what they are and what they mean to you. Very succinct.(where's spell-check when you need it!)


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