Saturday, November 21, 2009

(right now.)

(Right now)

(I'm in a coffee shop)

(pretending like I'm getting my grad school apps done)

(but really, I'm checking up on all the blogs I missed yesterday)

(and reveling in gingerbread latte.)

(I gave myself this afternoon to be all mine,)

(simply doing what I'd like to do)

(and reading what I'd like to be reading)

(and thinking about what I'd like to be thinking about.)

(This day of mine has also included a long hot shower and homemade guacamole for lunch.)

(But I feel a teensy bit guilty,)

(so don't tell.)


  1. I love that. If you put it all in parenthasis, it doesn't count really or is a secret. So clever. You and e e cummings. Your day sounds lovely, esp coffe and guac. Thank you for making me smile. Let go of the guilt. (I won't tell).

  2. I think I'm going to go eat and avacado right now.

  3. It was rotten. But I bought a new one. Made chicken picata for dinner. Delicious. But I still need your coffee. May visit SB tomorrow.


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