Wednesday, November 4, 2009

a little birthday post.

So, today is my birthday. I must be getting old, because I'm not nearly as excited as I usually am.

I love birthdays. Anyone's birthday. I don't care if it's not even someone I know, as long as there are streamers and bows and birthday candles and excitement in the air, it makes me happy. There's just something magical about them, don't you think? Especially your own birthday--the whole day just feels like it doesn't belong with the other 364 days of the year. This year seems different though.

Last year, I turned 21 and practically had to talk myself out of a panic attack every time I thought about it. I had passed double digits, became a teenager, turned 16 and got my license, turned 18 and became an "adult"--and then 21 seemed like it was the last big thing. There aren't really any big milestones after 21--besides 40. With the help of my roommates, I finally got over it, and had a good birthday (watching Barack Obama be elected president in a bar called Huskies at UConn on my 21st birthday!). It wasn't as bad as I'd expected.

This year, I'm not super excited. But I think that's okay. Stephanie of even*cleveland described it best when she said,

"Because really that's what birthdays are - a moment to enjoy the vista, a little hill in the year to stand on and take a moment to look behind, then look ahead before setting off again."
Isn't that nice?

So, inspired by both Stephanie and Sarah, of cloth.paper.string, I've made up a list of things I want to accomplish in this coming year. And even if I look at this list next November 3rd and realize I've only accomplished a few things, that'll be okay. So:

17 Things To Do Before I Turn 23

1 develop an exercise regimen
2 lose some pounds
3 tell every person I love that I love them at least once
4 write a short story/essay
5 apply (and get into!) to grad school
6 love myself a little bit more
7 volunteer at the soup kitchen with MH
8 wear an outfit completely made by myself
9 go somewhere or do something all by myself
10 do at least one thing that makes me really happy
11 speak Spanish fluently
12 get a DSLR camera and master it
13 speak my mind no matter what
14 become an early riser
15 spend an entire afternoon doing absolutely nothing
16 watch the sun rise
17 go vegetarian for a full week (or month . . .)

Do you have any birthday traditions? I'd love to hear them!

(Photo via urbanfarmgirl)


  1. Happy Birthday! I love your list!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Now that I think about it, I don't have any birthday traditions...
    I think next year I'll start some!

  3. Happy Birthday! Love the list, and love those cute hearts!

  4. Wow Ruth, Happy Birthday.
    Yeah, 40 is right around the corner for me, so uh thanks for reminding me, you young whipper snapper.
    Great list.
    You go!

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