Wednesday, November 18, 2009

if only . . . . .

. . . . . I could take a train from my small town into the city for work every morning.
Forty-five minutes of my life wouldn't be wasted sitting idly in a car, avoiding neurotic highway drivers and listening to bad radio and racing to beat the clock.
I could work on my crocheting and get some reading in and maybe even take a little nap.
If only . . . . .

(Photo via OsvaldoZoom)


  1. It was so nice taking the train home from NYC last night. The view of the city out the window was great. It totally made up for time we sat in Penn Station while they had hook up another engine to the train.

    I love your pictures from Northampton. That is such a great little town. I'm going to have to go back soon.

    P.S. The butterfly sanctuary is pretty cool. Hoping to post pictures on Friday. If you go though wear your summer clothes it feels like a rain-forest in there.

  2. That sounds like such a nice possibility... there's something so soothing about trains.


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