Thursday, November 5, 2009

field trip.

Last week, I went on a field trip with some of our clients and their children (I work for an inner city nonprofit) to Brown's Harvest, a place for pumpkin picking and hayrides. Needless to say, I was excited. Pumpkins? Hayrides? Yes please.

It was so much fun to see the kids all happy, excited at the fact that they could get out of their city (which they rarely do) and into a place where they could run around and climb in haystacks and breathe in fresh air (which they even more rarely do).

Doesn't it seem like now that Halloween is over and done with, pumpkins are a thing of the past? I know they're kind of Thanksiving-y too, but they just don't have the same feeling when they're not waiting to be carved. I'm starting to miss fall and it's not even over yet!

And to top it all off, we got to take a school bus there. When was the last time you rode on a real, yellow school bus? They still smell the same, even.

It was a good day.


  1. How fun! My situation is kind of the Girl Scouts, who live out in the country, are so excited when we get to take trips into the city!

  2. i know what you mean about the pumpkins. i try to keep them around, they are a fall food... but it's just not the same :(

  3. So fun! Looks like the kids must have loved it.

  4. Fun day. Glad you all got to have some fun and fresh air. I know exactly what you mean about pumpkins after Halloween. I think in a way Halloween has taken the natural fall harvest pumpkinness away from pumpkins and made them into a Halloweenie thing. Which isn't really bad, until after Halloween and all the poor pumpkins don't get any more love.


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