Wednesday, November 11, 2009

do tell?

Okay so, in an effort not to ditch blogging altogether and not to shoot this NaBloPoMo to hell, I need your help.

Does blogging ever come harder than usual to you guys? Some days, I'm all about it and will post one, two, maybe three times in one day, while other days (or weeks, who are we kidding here . . .) I want nothing to do with this blogging business. Sometimes it feels like I have to put on a smile and "show up" just to keep the blog going and also keep myself from letting my writing fizzle out. Especially during times like the past week or so, when I just have so much going on personally that I can't really share with the internet, it's so difficult to make myself see something positive in life and post about it. (Or not so positive, like I'm doing write now, apparently.)

Am I alone?

That being said, I'm begging for your help. Can you guys tell me what kind of stuff you like to read here?

Do you like Felicitous Findings?

Do you prefer real-life stories that spare no details and lay it all out there, like my hair saga post or my Big New Job reveal?

Do you enjoy silly little nothings I find on the web randomly and then share with all of you?

Do you like videos?

Maybe you prefer philosophical wonderings that get even myself confused, like my I Love Lucy quandary or the Facebook conundrum?

Do you like the happy, feel-good posts?

I would also take advice on what you don't like to read here, be that the case. Anything you can tell me would be huge. Blogging ain't easy. It's too bad I like it so much, or I'd just quit.

Send help.


  1. I find it difficult to come up with things to write sometimes. If I'm in that mood, I don't even try - I just leave it and come back later when I'm in a better blogging place. Sometimes I blog once or twice a week, othertimes every day, just depending on how I feel.

    Don't feel any pressure - just take it easy and relax. It doesn't matter what you write - I'm happy to see any topic as long as writing it makes you feel happy.


  2. exactly what Red Boots said, we definitely all have days where you don't want to write anything.

    The only person you should be writing for is you :)

  3. i feel exactly the same way you do.
    sometimes i feel like i have a lot to say, but most of the time, i'm just thinking, "ugh, nobody is going to care or like this post... jeez they probably think i'm really lame"
    it varies day to day :)
    that said, i like reading whatever you put up... i know, not much help, but i just like hearing about what's going on in other peoples heads and lives... kinda nosy if i think about it.

  4. You're definitely not alone!! I feel stuck in a rut and don't have much inspiration sometimes.

    Don't worry about us, write what you want to, what makes you happy, what you want to share, what you'd like to get off your chest... I for one enjoy all the different sorts of posts you write!

    Have a great weekend xx

  5. You guys are all way too nice. Thank you, so much. :)

  6. I love Felicitous Findings. You have a good way of expressing yourself, even when it is not happy-go-lucky. The world is real and so are you.


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?