Saturday, November 28, 2009

back again.

Oops. I haven't blogged in four days. My bad. Sometimes I need a blogging break. Four days did it just fine.

So, I thought I'd come back with some photos. Photos of a walk I took today through the woods. A long, much-needed walk. Whoever thought living at home after college would be a good idea? I think people suggest it, but don't really consider the repercussions. Sure, living for free with the people you've lived with for the past twenty-two years anyways while saving pennies and working sounds all nice and fine, but have you tried it? It's not so swell.

I'll be back soon with Thanksgiving updates, since I've been so absent. Promise.

1 comment:

  1. I lived with my parents for 6 months after university - I thought it would be fine but I just seemed to turn into a moody teenager! It is difficult when you are used to your own space and freedom.


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