Sunday, March 13, 2011

a dapple of my weekend

Oh, the weekend. The weekend was full and vibrant and exact and exhausting and one-of-a-kind.

Friday there was Whipped vodka with ginger ale and the cutest little brownies with caramel inside and getting to bed early(ish).

Saturday there was sleeping in and warm coconut oil left to saturate my hair and scalp and purging unnecessary clutter from my bedroom (it felt so good). There was a walk through the melting woods and lots of hot, half-caf coffee and another attempt at granola bars (FAIL. I don't think I'm meant to get those right...but the crumbles were delicious). Then there was a trip to Worcester to visit Mr. Elton John in concert, with Mary who is quite possibly the biggest 11-year-old Elton John fan you ever will see. We had a fabulous time.

granola prepyummy honeysnow melting!over the pondelton john

Sunday there was more sleeping in (a late night out on top of losing an hour, ouch) and breakfast for lunch with freshly made maple syrup from the boiler by the barn and a very successful trip to the health food store and finally getting my taxes filed.

This weekend swelled with new emotions and a new satisfaction that I think I like.

Here's to a magical, fruitful week ahead :)


  1. As always, love the pictures - and how awesome that you went to an Elton John concert!

    P.S. I have those same measuring spoons!

  2. I never get my granola bars right. they always turn into really good crumbly granola too.

    sounds like you had a lovely weekend!

  3. i just recently tried Whipped vodka and its the best thing since sliced bread, so yummy.


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