Monday, March 28, 2011

a dapple of my weekend

Sometimes good weekends are proven by the lack of photos.

I bowled Friday night and drank far too much beer*, had a Mexican lunch date on Saturday with my mother and aunt, went to a local holistic health fair, celebrated UConn's win with friends Saturday night at Plan B, grocery shopped my little heart out Sunday in preparation for this week's spring detox cleanse, and then ended the weekend with grilling and a movie night (yes, it's still far too cold here to grill, we found out).

setting sunlooking upwoods sunsethiding stellahomemade nutrigrain bar

Weekends like this, though, that are whirlwind and exhausting and leave you feeling unprepared for the week come Sunday night, are so much better when you feel complete with how you spent your time. This is a skill I'm slowly learning.

*Bowling is one of those things I think hate, then decide to give one more chance, only to realize I really do hate it.


  1. sounds like a great weekend! id love to hear more about your detox, im realizing lately i put alot of stuff in my body i probably shouldnt and i've gotten lax with my cooking and eating habits.

  2. What a wonderful weekend!!! I'm interested in hearing about the detox too, do they work? I've always wanted to try one but have never gotten around to it.
    Cute kitty by the way!

  3. sounds like such a lovely weekend!
    and yes, i will start posting more about my teaching! xo

    p.s do you think you could send me an email and tell me a little more about your experience at Kripalu? My mom said she'd go with me for a girls weekend this summer as a graduation present. I'm so excited, but a little overwhelmed at picking one! thanks :)

  4. hahaha I hate bowling too... but I always say yes when asked to go

  5. sounds like a great weekend. I am thinking of doing the master cleanse or some sort of detox this spring. Have a good day.


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