Tuesday, March 8, 2011

weddings on the brain.

Planning for my friend Lauren's wedding has kicked into high gear now that her wedding is only six months away. As her Maid of Honor, I've been assisting as much as possible, researching flowers and designing invitations and choosing the bridesmaid dresses (we finally made a decision this past weekend!).

One of my biggest responsibilities though is perhaps my favorite--planning the bridal shower. In another life I think I was a party planner. Crafty decorating and ridiculously organized planning are two of my very favorite pastimes, I think. In other words--I'm loving this.

{Lauren, stop reading here!}

Nevertheless, I've never planned a bridal shower before. Lauren is having a very traditional wedding and has very different tastes than I do, so it's been a practice in thinking about how she would want it, not how I would want it. I think we're going to go a very DIY route--we've got lots of time and lots of brainpower. I can't wait to PLAN decorations and games and food and invitations. (Hence--I have weddings on the brain and can't stop exploring the internet for ideas! Which may be resulting in pining for my own wedding someday.....)

I'd love to hear--have you ever planned a bridal shower before? Attended a really fabulous one? Share, share!

(Photo via OnceWed)


  1. How exciting to be planning your friend's wedding and taking on Maid of Honor duties...good for you! :) However, I know it can be stressful at times too, but know you will be just fine and throw a wonderful bridal shower in her style...can't wait to see the pictures!

    Liesl :)

  2. Aw, thanks Liesl! Your reassurance means the world to me :)

  3. Can't wait to see what you do!

  4. Planning a bridal shower can be a lot of fun! If she's more traditional there are some fun games you can play - like splitting the attendees into groups and having them make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. One person is the model (they put the "dress" on her), and then the bride chooses which dress is the winner and that group gets little prizes!

    Also, at my bridal shower they had me take a picture individually with everyone there (they printed them after the shower was over), and then had each of those people write some advice in a little scrapbook. After the pictures were developed they put each person's picture with me on their advice page - it's a great keepsake!

  5. Hi Ruth-- Love your blog, first off! Second, I was married this past year so i had a few showers and ive been involved in planning a few too. My mother in law made this amazing book where she had all the guests write a letter to me about what i meant to them and have a picture of us together which upon completion was this incredible book of all these amazing women in my life. We also did the newly wed game where they asked my now-husband questions about us and then they asked me the same and it was funny to see where we had the same or different answers. For my sister's shower, I had each guest bring a small bouquet of pink flowers (any type!), we created this floral friendship bouquet and as take-home gifts, we created individual mixed bouquets of each guest's flowers to commemorate this friendship among all of us.

    good luck- you are super creative and crafty, i know it will be great!

  6. I have helped organize one wedding shower, but it was a few years ago and i had no idea what we should do! i think if i was to do it now, i would definitely throw myself into something fun and diy!

  7. I have never planned a wedding. I am not sure I even want to do my own(if that should happen). But I do love them and cry like a baby at them. I like simple weddings that have a artsy/potluck feel to them. Not sure what that would like like. Anyways, that sounds like you are having a whole lotta fun!


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