Thursday, March 10, 2011


watching.dream-mapping and tea.blanche at the special-made pencils.backyard mornings.

It's like these rivers that are flooding from the torrential rains and melting snows. They course and rage and are relentless, swollen and angry.

Sometimes the easiest and best option is just to go with them for a bit. To be heaved and swayed along with shut eyes focusing only on keeping the breaths coming in, and going out.

But you might have these rocks you've been planting downstream, anchors of support you've been tending to in rare moments of clarity, that you catch glimpses of through scrunched eyes as beacons of upcoming hope. You might have just enough strength to grab hold of one at just the right time, as the river slows down a bit and you hold on with all your might for just a moment or maybe an hour or maybe even a day.

But they're there. You put them there. You tended to them and prepared them for your arrival. You fostered their survival, and yours.

Maybe someday you'll have enough rocks to support you on a solid land. Strong and free and sustaining.


  1. Beautifully expressed...and I hope that everyone finds enough rocks on their life adventure to fully support them! Lots of smiles! :) :) :)

    Liesl :)

  2. Wonderfully written!! I hope you find all your rocks :) xoxo

  3. simply lovely. I love this line-But you might have these rocks you've been planting downstream, anchors of support you've been tending to in rare moments of clarity." I love the pictures, too. I hope you are having a good day!

  4. Wow, lovely words. Your set of pictures are pretty impressive too :)


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