Sunday, February 28, 2010

a dapple of my weekend






This weekend flew by before I could even recognize it. But, I feel like I say that every Sunday night, so no surprise there.

This weekend I spent lots of time pining for my long hair and reading this book, playing board games and drinking wine spritzers, going to Pilates classes and having a slumber party, and finally watching (500) Days of Summer. My weekends always start out with such spunk and pizazz, and then end up fizzling out into bittersweet Sunday blues. Hmph.

Monday better fix that.

Friday, February 26, 2010

felicitous findings: part 24

1. Knowing that I have all weekend to catch up on all of life's little annoying tasks that I'm so behind on (hello, student loan bills!)

2. Beating my personal record in running at the gym (New Year's resolution #2, hurray!)

3. Trying new oatmeal recipes

4. "Meeting" fellow AmeriCorps bloggers!

5. Only spending two minutes on my hair in the mornings

What do you find felicity in today?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

out of the mouths of babes

"If I were president

I will be funny

and I will eat chocolate ice cream.

And I will eat a 100 pound sandwich

with cheese.

And I will have 100,000,000 dollars

and everything will be golden."

--T. Perez, age 9

Do you think I should tell him he can be funny right now?

(Other answers included "I would be able to lie to my teachers," and "I will let my family live in the White House so they will always have somewhere to live." Precious.)

the newseum

While visiting Rachel in DC (what seems like years ago), we decided to visit the Newseum, since everything else in the city was (literally) closed. Although it was expensive and a trek from her apartment, it was one of our limited options so we took it.

And it was well worth it. With six floors and multiple interactive exhibits, we stayed all afternoon, and kind of made up for not having done much of anything in the days before. We saw a video on news throughout the centuries, witnessed some very disturbing and moving 9/11 footage (note: not appropriate for children, my ten-year-old sister included...), got to see and touch pieces of the Berlin Wall (below), and even got to host our own newscasts.

It was a great, great sister day.

I'd highly recommend.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reasons Why I Love Being A Grown Up


You can dress up and wear your old prom dresses whenever you'd like.

Birthday parties, especially.

Oh yeah, and you can eat sloppy joes and chocolate cake while wearing them, too.

Monday, February 22, 2010

solo vacationer

I think it's about time for a solo "vacation." Maybe one is needed every 22 1/2 years to recharge. Because that'd be just about the right time, then.

I've been contemplating this for awhile. I feel like I just need to get away, to "turn so far inwards I think I'm inside-out," as Melanie put it. I need time to think things through, without the distractions of daily life. Even just to get out my room, house, town--I need something.

My first, and perhaps most pressing, thought is that this is, essentially, a very selfish choice. It involves nothing but me. Guilt follows, somewhat naturally, I suppose. But I think we need to be selfish, every now and then. And if taking time out for myself could make me a better sister, daughter, friend, teacher, coworker . . . then it's not really all that selfish, is it?

Then comes the hard part of deciding what to do. Taking a long walk won't do. Travelling for a week won't, either. I've looked into yoga retreats, but let's face it: as an AmeriCorps volunteer, I'm perpetually broke.

Tell me: have you ever taken a solo trip? Have you ever taken time out of your usual, daily life for yourself?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was really nervous, but I finally did it. Yesterday, I chopped my hair.
And it was about time.

Hair before:

Hair after:

Please excuse the poor self-portrait quality.

I'm still getting used to it, but I think I like it. (My entire head feels lighter!)

It takes less time to style, it doesn't get in my way, and I never have to worry about putting it up. (Read: it's too short to pull back.)

It feels rather liberating to not have to tackle it every morning, too.

It seems rather silly to make such a big deal about hair. After all, it's just hair, right? Nonetheless, it still felt a little like I was losing a little piece of myself in that salon chair--I just wanted to grab it all back up and apologize for abandoning it.

Have you ever made a drastic appearance change?

Friday, February 19, 2010

girl/hair crush



This is real people. Saturday, I have the appointment.

I hope I'm not in tears.


(Photos via Glamour)

Need convincing of a drastic chop? Read this!

I'm going to have it memorized by tomorrow and be reciting it to myself...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reasons Why I Love Being A Grown Up


We can have sleepovers. Whenever we want.
On work nights, even.

And on birthday eves? They're even better.

Happy birthday, Lauren.


if you never did, you should.....

.....go on a wine tour!

For Jodi's "If You Never Did" Photo Contest, I decided to look back on my time in South Africa and hunt out a good experience.

Therefore, it was not an easy choice.

While I climbed Table Mountain and went on safari and swam in the Indian Ocean, I think going on a wine tour is something a little more versatile, that someone could do in a country closer-by, maybe. Obviously, something everyone should try.
I still think about that experience everytime I drink a glass of wine. Learning about the way the grapes are grown and all the vineyard terms, how to properly drink the wine and even what cheese goes best with which--it all comes back. The quiet rows of grapes, the bright blue skies, the ancient buildings housing the hundreds of bottles.....I wish I could be back there right now.

How To Enjoy A Wine Tour, No Matter The Country:

  • Wear comfy clothes.
  • Be prepared to drink. Apparently you can spit it out after tasting, but I say what's the fun in that? And maybe they'll even give some tasty cheese, too.
  • Go with company you enjoy. Taking silly pictures next to enormous barrels of years-old wine just isn't the same with strangers, I don't think.
  • Bring a camera. Looking back on my old photos still brings an amazing, calm, stillness to the air, no matter how hectic and crazed I feel.
  • Remember your wines! I wish I had paid more attention to which ones I tried and which ones I liked or didn't.

Thanks Jodi, for starting this! Here are a few more photos, just for fun.