Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a thought for your late-wednesday night.

"When she lived at home,
the things she looked at scolded her
and made her feel sad and depressed.
They said, 'Wash me.'
They said, 'Lazy.'
They said, 'You ought.'

But the things in her office are magical and invite her to play.
They fill her with light.
It's the room where she can be quiet and still
and listen to the voices inside herself.
She likes being alone in the daytime."

from The House on Mango Street

Doesn't everyone dream of a place this splendid?


  1. definitely, this place sounds so lovely and peaceful :)
    thanks for commenting on my blog.. i totally know what you mean im definitely a lister too!

  2. That place would be magical to find...

    Let me know if you do :)


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