Friday, February 12, 2010

the sunshine award

Who, me? An award?

I'm flabbergasted.

Thanks to Jayne, I've been bestowed the blogging Sunshine Award, which I'm apparently supposed to pass on to six other ladies who . . . . . bring sunshine to the world with their blogs? Yes, that sounds about right.

(I'm ignoring the fact that I'm supposed to nominate twelve. Oops.)

Without further ado, I'll nominate:

Jana of The Art Process (let's buy all her gorgeous paintings, yes?)

Brooke of Playing Grown Up (love her!)

Melina of Owl & Peacock (she'll make you want to move to Chicago)

Jodi of If You Never Did, You Should (who's having a photo contest right now, enter enter!)

Elizabeth of E TELLS TALES (you should see this girl's dressmaking capabilities)

and Alyssa of Just Putting It Out There (her most recent post might make you smile...)

Thanks, Jayne!

I totally meant to tag Courtney, of Just A Little Mishap, on here too. I even told her I did, thinking I had, but didn't. So . . . we'll make that lucky number seven! (Sorry, Courtney!)


  1. Hello! Love that you got this award :) Can't imagine anyone more deserving:)

  2. Oh yay! Thanks so much for spreading the sunshin-ey love my way!

  3. aw congrats and thank you so much! this is so sweet :)

  4. Hurrah! And thank you! Though, I'm not sure if I'm an ideal candidate to promote moving to Chicago, considering I can't wait to leave! ;)

  5. I'm super honored to be tagged with such lovely ladies...they are some of my favorites too!

    You're the best!


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