Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was really nervous, but I finally did it. Yesterday, I chopped my hair.
And it was about time.

Hair before:

Hair after:

Please excuse the poor self-portrait quality.

I'm still getting used to it, but I think I like it. (My entire head feels lighter!)

It takes less time to style, it doesn't get in my way, and I never have to worry about putting it up. (Read: it's too short to pull back.)

It feels rather liberating to not have to tackle it every morning, too.

It seems rather silly to make such a big deal about hair. After all, it's just hair, right? Nonetheless, it still felt a little like I was losing a little piece of myself in that salon chair--I just wanted to grab it all back up and apologize for abandoning it.

Have you ever made a drastic appearance change?


  1. Ruth! I loooove it!!! It looks great on you!

  2. Oh, it's quite becoming of you! But scary, I know. I'm constantly growing my hair out long, then chopping it all off - right now it's in between. But I've definitely chopped it boy-short before, and that was absolutely frightening to do. I had to get drunk beforehand. Luckily I had already talked to the hairdresser the day before so I didn't do anything ridiculous while sauced :)

  3. Ohhh! I love it too! It's so flattering!
    I used to be the queen of drastic appearance changes but I've toned down a bit lately. Just having my length cleaned up on Friday sent me into a tizzy, but mainly because I didn't like the way it was styled after the cut. Now that I've washed out the 10lbs of styling products and messed with it, it's growing on me (ha! oh! sorry! ;}

  4. Not me. So boring. Biggest change I've made is grow out my bangs a bit.
    I think it looks fantastic and it is a big deal.
    And holy moly, I didn't realize how gorgeous you are. Beautiful. Those eyes!

  5. I love it! You look so cheerful and happy, and fresh in your new haircut! I like you old hair too, but this one just totally rocks! Good work! :)

  6. Wow it is really nice. Must be such a change though I'm terrified about cutting my hair even though it really needs it!

  7. Ruth, it looks so lovely! And you can see in your smile how much you love it!

    I once went from long hair to what i asked as "ON MY SHOULDERS" which ended up PURPLE and 3cm long. It was a horrible horrible couple of months, but it was in winter so i could wear a beanie the entire time :)

  8. You look fabulous! I chop my hair about once a year...and then grow it out...and chop it again...repeat. Having short hair is so liberating isn't it? I think girl's that pull off short haircuts are the tops. Including you. XO

  9. THAT LOOKS AMAZING! you are adorable :)

  10. Oh WOW, you look GREAT with short hair, honestly!! Unfortunately, my cut didn't turn out so amazing! A new fresh, lighter, start to spring!!

  11. It looks great! I once went from hair that was about the length of my shoulder a pixie cut. (a lot of people didn't like it)...but it was liberating as hell...and was so light!

  12. I have the best blog readers :)

    Thanks, so much!


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