Thursday, February 11, 2010

ben's chili bowl

While in DC this weekend, going to Ben's Chili Bowl was at the top of our to-do list--blizzard or no blizzard. We attempted this the last time I had visited Rachel, only to find the line winding out the door and drunken fools shouting across the street. Apparently, chili dogs make very good drunk food.

But hey, we wanted our drunk food, too.

So this past weekend, we indulged. After hearing so much hype about the famous Ben and his chili and even reading about it here, I knew I had to try.

But I have to admit--it wasn't anything fabulous. Maybe it was the weather and the lack of excitement in the place (and very few customers), but I wasn't very impressed. Although, I don't think I'm really a chili-dog kinda person, so perhaps I'm not the best judge.

However, there was this really cute enormous-sized snowman across the street, so it kind of made the snowy walk (although only ten minutes long) completely worth it.

Note: Please make sure your stomach is in the right state before attempting Ben's Chili Bowl. It's been known to, um, mix things up.

1 comment:

  1. We ate more than was good for us. But so totally worth it!


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