Wednesday, February 24, 2010

out of the mouths of babes

"If I were president

I will be funny

and I will eat chocolate ice cream.

And I will eat a 100 pound sandwich

with cheese.

And I will have 100,000,000 dollars

and everything will be golden."

--T. Perez, age 9

Do you think I should tell him he can be funny right now?

(Other answers included "I would be able to lie to my teachers," and "I will let my family live in the White House so they will always have somewhere to live." Precious.)


  1. hurrah for americorps!!! so glad you stopped by, because your blog is great! so excited to follow along in your 365 day journey!

    also, are you working at a school for your americorp position? i love what this little guy said... makes me miss teaching kids who can talk to me!

  2. I echo Sarah- yay AmeriCorps! I served in San Francisco last year. I worked with kids, too, though mine were littler. Yours sound so funny- a one hundred pound sandwich with cheese? I love it!


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