Saturday, February 6, 2010



Have you heard?

We're snowed in . . . . .

More to come when we can dig out of the 20+ inches!


  1. SO when people say snowed in.... does that mean you literally cannot go anywhere?

    Im a little challenged when it comes to all this snow talk :)

  2. WELL, I guess technically we can still go places . . . everything is closed though--buses, above-ground metro, museums, grocery stores--so we're pretty limited! We pretty much can just walk around and play in the snow :)

  3. What a crazy amount of snow. I hope you still have a great time down in DC.

    P.S. Your view is up in the Through my Window series. I love that Stella is looking out at the snow too.

  4. I am so jealous! We haven't gotten any snow in weeks and weeks, and that just feels wrong in Boston.

    I've been trying to use the phrase snowpocalypse as many times as possible every day. I think I'm going to need to do the same with snowmageddon.


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