Monday, February 22, 2010

solo vacationer

I think it's about time for a solo "vacation." Maybe one is needed every 22 1/2 years to recharge. Because that'd be just about the right time, then.

I've been contemplating this for awhile. I feel like I just need to get away, to "turn so far inwards I think I'm inside-out," as Melanie put it. I need time to think things through, without the distractions of daily life. Even just to get out my room, house, town--I need something.

My first, and perhaps most pressing, thought is that this is, essentially, a very selfish choice. It involves nothing but me. Guilt follows, somewhat naturally, I suppose. But I think we need to be selfish, every now and then. And if taking time out for myself could make me a better sister, daughter, friend, teacher, coworker . . . then it's not really all that selfish, is it?

Then comes the hard part of deciding what to do. Taking a long walk won't do. Travelling for a week won't, either. I've looked into yoga retreats, but let's face it: as an AmeriCorps volunteer, I'm perpetually broke.

Tell me: have you ever taken a solo trip? Have you ever taken time out of your usual, daily life for yourself?


  1. I like taking long solo-drives, but that is neither environmentally conscious nor quite long enough for the type of personal time you seem to be in need of.
    Although a solo road-trip sounds really fun! If there are any nearby touristy attractions worth a day trip to.

  2. It doesn't sound selfish to me at all! Different things drive different people; if you're feeling a need for that you should listen to that inner voice. I've traveled alone to see Grandparents and for work in the past, but never on a vacation. Not that I wouldn't want to - it just hasn't ever happened.

  3. For my birthday, I went to a weekend meditation/yoga retreat, I highly recommend a solo adventure - it's so refreshing!

    Weekend retreats can be inexpensive, I found some that were anywhere from 180-500 bucks.

    It's not selfish at all...
    after all, you can't give what you don't have... so go out there at get centered and refreshed!

  4. I like to take day trips to boston and sit by the harbor, or mystic for a less bustle
    ing endevour . Are you looking for an overnight deal?

  5. I'm about to do just that for the first time in many, many years - first a day-long meditation retreat at my local yoga studio in the woods, and at the end of March 4 days at Kripalu. That one was a splurge because it's part of a retreat given by Krishna Das and Sharon Salzberg, but I opted for staying in a dorm room to offset the cost a little. We'll see how that goes...

    I was just writing a post about listening to one's inner healer/intuition so I don't think your desire for some personal R&R time sounds selfish or indulgent at all, I think it sounds like you're very self-aware!

  6. I've done solo trips, but always have met up with people in the end. These have ranged from snowboard lessons in the middle of summer in Oregon to Athens, Greece; and I'm very much in love with traveling alone that I'd like to take another trip soon and not talk to anyone but strangers and locals... Perhaps in a foreign-speaking county?

  7. Thanks you guys! I have a lot of thinking to do now.....

  8. Absolutely take a solo trip! It could be JUST what you need.


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