Monday, February 1, 2010

a dapple of my weekend?

It would seem I did nothing but look at the wolf moon, pet kitties, and eat coconut all weekend.

And really, I didn't do much more.

Friday night was spent ingesting some horrible news (I'll get to that when I can wrap my head around it), which resulted in nursing a hangover headache all day Saturday, and catching up with life on Sunday.

And now here it is Monday, and I'm shocked.

And full of homemade oreos.


  1. i think we all need a weekend of not doing much, just to relax.

    oh no, i'm sorry about your news, i hope everything is ok!

  2. I hope you are nice and well rested now so you can come play with me this weekend!!!

  3. Sometimes a weekend of nothing is the best kind :) Cute kitties!

    Come and enter my Valentine's Giveaway!

  4. YES! Named after a very favorite movie of mine. :)
    Xoxox- Emily

  5. So sorry about your news. Life can just knock us out, huh?
    I love the pics. Kitties are adorable and that coconut makes me deliriously happy for some reason.


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