Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the newseum

While visiting Rachel in DC (what seems like years ago), we decided to visit the Newseum, since everything else in the city was (literally) closed. Although it was expensive and a trek from her apartment, it was one of our limited options so we took it.

And it was well worth it. With six floors and multiple interactive exhibits, we stayed all afternoon, and kind of made up for not having done much of anything in the days before. We saw a video on news throughout the centuries, witnessed some very disturbing and moving 9/11 footage (note: not appropriate for children, my ten-year-old sister included...), got to see and touch pieces of the Berlin Wall (below), and even got to host our own newscasts.

It was a great, great sister day.

I'd highly recommend.


  1. cute blog :) i like your pictures!

  2. Your hand gestures during our weather report were especially entertaining.


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