Thursday, February 11, 2010

caramelized tofu and brussel sprouts

Last night I decided to wonder and found myself lost in my thoughts. Does that ever happen to you? Some days just turn into "off days" and I can't seem to collect myself.

In other words, I turn into a mess.

I channelled my introspection into the kitchen, though, and cooked up caramelized tofu with brussel sprouts, in solitude.

I can't say it cured me, but it was damn good.


  1. A+ for presentation, but I must say, brussel sprouts and tofu- blah

  2. i love brussel sprouts and i don't care what other people say. they are soo soo good for you! that looks so delish.

  3. Oooh, thank you, I have both of these things in the fridge!

  4. oo that looks yummy! i'll have to try it sometime

  5. This looks so yummy! Brussel sprouts are great, I love them with lots of butter!

  6. looks damn good, makes me want to give tofu and second chance.

  7. mm this looks good :) i love tofu... but only when its dolled up in something yummy!
    i'm having a photo contest! you could win a fisheye camera, locket ring, pride &prejudice, and a t-shirt! just enter a picture of your favorite adventure to
    i'd love it if you'd spread the word!

  8. I love me some brussel sprouts but don't know if I can handle carmelized tofu. Maybe you can make it for me next time I see you!

  9. This makes my mouth water. Glad I found your blog through Jodi's :)


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