Friday, February 26, 2010

felicitous findings: part 24

1. Knowing that I have all weekend to catch up on all of life's little annoying tasks that I'm so behind on (hello, student loan bills!)

2. Beating my personal record in running at the gym (New Year's resolution #2, hurray!)

3. Trying new oatmeal recipes

4. "Meeting" fellow AmeriCorps bloggers!

5. Only spending two minutes on my hair in the mornings

What do you find felicity in today?


  1. hi ruth! i just found your blog and i love it! i love running and trying new oatmeal recipes too! can't wait to keep reading :)

    xoxo Jackie

  2. I love your list - happy weekend to you!

  3. thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  4. I know it. Me too. I have student loans, rent (damn February being such a short month) and other "more important" tasks than blogging like grading and putting up my student's artwork online...Never mind grocery shopping and laundry! haha

  5. definitely being done with taxes and fafsa.

    keep up the running ;)

  6. love your list! thanks for the inspiration to think about my own: baking m&m cookies for a friend's birthday, having the time to sit in the sunshine, going to the library and picking up the books i've got on hold. have a fabulous weekend!
    xo, juliette

  7. Student loan bills are such a pain. I have to do the fafsa this weekend too. No fun.

  8. Ohhh, #1 and #3 are in the works for me too! Hurrah :)

  9. Love the list as well!
    I am felicitous over being able to spend all work doing nothing but reading outside, even if it's only 45 degrees (I've managed to convince myself it's spring anyway.

  10. Two minutes sounds just right :)


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