I'm sitting here, at the gigantic-oversized-brightred dining room table in this gigantic-oversized-brightred house we're renting, listening to Norah Jones and drinking wine and watching Nana and my aunt play Wahoo. No, I'd never heard of it, either. Some card game similar to Spit but more complicated and bigger and more difficult.
I've been feeling very unmotivated about blogging lately. Perusing other blogs and seeing how many new followers they've gotten in one week and how many commenters they have on one post has me a little disheartened. Silly, I know, but I almost feel like writing in a journal is just the same as writing this blog. I've heard it said that when you start blogging it's like talking to nobody in an empty room. That's so true, isn't it? Gradually you get followers and commenters and regular readers and all that, but when? I know I've only been blogging since January, but it's a little discouraging. Sometimes I think I should just give it up altogether.
Since I really don't have any words tonight and I'm feeling a bit too melodramatic and self-pitying, I'll leave you with snippets of the conversations between Nana and my aunt. I've never heard Nana like this, she's ca-raaaazy!
Nana: She ain't got
no respect, Ruthie!
Nana: Oh! She's not very nice.
AB: She's always the martyr.
I'm the one that asked you to play.
I'm the one that has to reach so far over all these cards!
Nana: Her poor old mother with her arthritic fingers . . .
AB: I've got arthritic fingers, too, you know.
Nana: All right, Beth, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough . . .
AB: Enough