Thursday, September 24, 2009

the alter ego of felicitous findings.

Sometimes I think I should have an installment that's the opposite of Felicitous Findings. Something like, Disastrous Discoveries, or Bleak Bargains. I'd be popping them out like that if only I didn't have to think of things so damn happy.

You don't have to tell me, I know.

Yesterday, at a work meeting for our Center For Youth program kickoff, we each were handed two sticky notes, one for things that inspire and motivate us, and one for struggles or barriers we want to overcome. I sat for about two solid minutes before I could come up with something that motivates me, and that I'd want to share with everyone (which, we did--so lame). But when it came to time to name a barrier, I was scribbling away before she even finished telling us what to do. Sad, isn't it? That came so much easier to me. Like I was more in a mood to be depressing than optimistic.

You know? Sometimes it's just easier to just be mopey and pitiful rather than happy-go-lucky and Ms. Positive all the time. Sometimes I feel like it's a constant struggle just to be civil and polite. Do you ever get like that?

(This photo is my attempt to perk myself up. I'm sitting here at my desk with what feels like strep throat and not a ray of sunlight to be seen, when all I want to do is drag my butt home and gulp a bunch of Nyquil and cuddle up in bed and sleep till tomorrow morning. I figure, maybe if I surround myself with enough happy things I can trick my mind into being it? Yes?)

(Photo via Gris Bleu)


  1. "Sometimes I feel like it's a constant struggle just to be civil and polite."
    YES, everyday, especially living where it's quiet and there's never anything surprising to snap me out of it.

  2. I hear you. Hope you're feeling better.
    That's why I started my blog, so I would have a place to be happy and positive, so I would have a place where I HAD to be this way. I needed to make myself a happy place.It's so easy to fall into despair. I love reading all kinds of blogs and about all kinds of real emotions, but it's interesting how hard and how easy it is sometimes to keep my blog going with that same happy intention.


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