Monday, September 14, 2009

Felicitous Findings: Part 16

Despite the fact that I'm considering myself in a huge slump right now and it's somewhat difficult to think of things that invoke felicity, I'm nevertheless forcing out an installation of Felicitous Findings. Fake it till you make it, right?

1. Swiss cheese. Lots and lots of Swiss cheese. The bigger the chunk/slice/bite, the better.

2. Wearing socks and sweaters in the morning.

3. Shopping for a new planner (I have been pining for a Filofax!)

4. Being able to delete all UConn emails without even glancing at the subject (why oh why am I still getting these??)

5. Getting excited at the prospect of grad school while starting some research :)


  1. I'm going to get you the $2,300 alligator personal filofax for your birthday.

  2. Oh, perfect . . . that's the one I was hoping for.

    Nothing like an animal-cruel, skin-bound planner to keep my dates organized.


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