Monday, September 28, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty miserable, spent sick with strep throat. I did so much nothing I was bored of it. And I never thought I'd say I could get bored of doing nothing. You'd think it'd be a nice break. But after awhile, the body aches and headache and congestion and worst-sore-throat-I'd-ever-had got to me.

I went out for a short hike on Saturday, but that kind of pushed it.

So like every smart sickie, I indulged in food all weekend. I'm not sure how that happened, but now that I look back all I really did was eat. Saturday night I made pad thai with my mom (so good! so easy!), Sunday morning I ate donuts with Mary, Sunday afternoon Lauren and I made chocolate chip cookies, and Sunday night we all made homemade pizza. Maybe that's the cure to strep--lots and lots of really good food. Because I'm feeling slightly better. Good enough to be back at work, unfortunately.

Man, I hate Mondays.


  1. I wish I had been there! And LOVE the new banner!

  2. They do say feed a cold! Hope you're feeling better.

  3. And I totally noticed the mushroom and the shadows and a certain secret -notebookishness to some of these photos, btw ; )

  4. I was thinking that too about the photos and mushroom! Great pics. Love the cat and the bucket. I ate all weekend too, but I have no excuse! Hope you feel better.


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