Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Long

Vacation is over.
The beach is gone.
It's no longer eighty degrees and air conditioned.
My bathing suit is in the drawer and I haven't seen a beach towel in days.
My body does not smell like sun tan lotion 24/7.

This greatly troubles me.

It's not that I'm really that crazy about summertime (more to come on this later), it's just that I really enjoy doing nothing on the beach all day every day. I don't mind drinking more than one glass of wine every night with dinner and I don't mind lounging in a hot tub for hours on end. We don't even have palm trees in our backyard.

What kind of place is this?!

So, so long summer vacation. I'll miss your long car trips (did I just say that??), your endless amounts of junky food, your annoying family relatives, your hazy hot beach days, your sunrises on the sand, your shell-collecting and mermaid-building, and your surf shops galore.

I'll miss you.

1 comment:

  1. aw Ru! I know what ya mean! I feel like summer just up and ran off!
    but at least you have your new job!! that's gona be cooL!


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