Monday, September 14, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

" I gonna beat you UP"

This weekend I:
--played with kitties (you'd think I'd get bored, but . . .)
--had a "mom night" with Jana and our moms, filled with cocktails and cards
--baked peanut butter banana bread (not as good as it sounds, though)
--slept in
--had breakfast with Jana before she flew off to Philadelphia again
--finished Wuthering Heights (finally!)
--started The Book Thief
--started about five thousand lists
--cooked homemade mac and cheese with friends and enjoyed a scary movie
How was your weekend?


  1. I wish I was there for mom night!

  2. Hey, I just found your blog and I really like the idea of chronicling the post-grad year. Its an interesting time in life...I'm still floundering in that what-to-do-with-life mode, but its so nice not to have the homework :)

  3. Lovely kitties. Made me smile. Sounds like a great weekend. Let me know how the Book Thief is, I keep meaning to read it. Reading Black Olives right now, pretty good.


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