Friday, September 25, 2009

Inspired by Kim of Perfectly Cursed Life, I've decided to start my own edition of Open Letters Friday. I hope she doesn't mind. (You don't mind, do you?)

The ability to subtley rant and rave in a post every single Friday? Yes, please.


Dear McDonald's Truck,
Why do you always have to cruise along right in front of me? Without letting me pass you? I can only look at your over-sized Big Mac and fries for so long before I fall into a drool-induced coma and crash sadly. All for a Big Mac. Which you know I can't eat (. . . . . right?).

Victim of Good Advertising

Dear Strepped-Out Throat,

Please stop hurting me. I needed to go to work today. Even though sick days are kind of fun.

Innocent Non-Smoker


Dear Blanche,

You can sleep cuddled up on my chest for as long as you'd like. And keep making those cute silly faces.

Kitten-Smitten Owner


Dear South African Children,

Good for you. I'm so inspired. Can I please come back and see you?

Long Lost Traveler


Dear Mouse in My House,

Get out of my room. Pronto. I do not jest. Stella is onto you. Aren't you aware of my irrational phobia of rodents? Perhaps you are. Perhaps you're smarter than I think . . .



Dear New Organic Cotton Sheets,

Thank you for being so soft and cozy. I'm so glad I purchased you. Please continue to stay so soft and cozy (and watch out for the mouse).

Tired Sleeper
cc: Mouse in My House


Feel free to write your own Open Letters in a comment or on your own blog!

And thanks for the inspiration, Kim!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruth,
    Great letters. Made me smile.
    Good luck with the mouse. I hope he can read so he doesn't get hurt.
    Fond of your blog,


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