Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Introducing: Blanche

All right, I don't know why I've waited so long to properly introduce this little kitty, but since Stella got an introduction I figure Blanche needs one, too. You may have already seen her in a weekly installment of A Dapple of My Weekend. You see, Blanche is Stella's new sister.

And they sure do love each other.

Blanche's backstory: Family adopts stray cat. Stray Cat comes back. Every. Single. Night. One night, Stray Cat brings along a friend. Friend Cat knocks up Stray Cat. Stray Cat births four baby cats. Family gives away all but one. One Cat sticks around with Stray Cat and Friend Cat. Friend Cat knocks up One Cat as well. One Cat also births four baby cats. Family gives away all but one. This is Blanche.

She's unfortunately suffering from some kitty conjunctivitis right now and not quite presentable for photos, so these are rather old.

But isn't she darling?

We love our Blanchey. Thank you again, Tennessee.


  1. My word she is a cutie!!! Awwww, I am very very tempted to get Meisha a sister... I don't think she'd like it too much though!

    Saskia x

  2. Like the reference to Tennessee! Wow, you are thorough!!


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