Friday, September 11, 2009


Yesterday, my day went like this:

: I shut my alarm off in my sleep, somehow, and woke up 45 minutes late for work.

: I was then late for work.

: I tripped over my own feet walking up the cement steps into the school and fell flat on my face. I got a bloody knee and a shoulder that still hurts. Oh, and I ripped my never-before-worn pants.

: My boss didn't show up until 1pm, so for 5 hours I sat by myself listening to Pandora and working on that damn book list, and not much else.

: I got severe blisters from wearing heels that I should have known better than to wear, and had to traipse around all day trying not to limp too visibly.

: I left feeling relieved, until I saw the $50 parking ticket on my windshield. Who knew Thursday was street cleaning/garbage day? Not me, because THERE WAS NO SIGN.

: I spent the next 20 minutes driving in circles around the city trying to find the highway, adamant that I didn't need my GPS because really, how hard is it to find an on-ramp? Apparently very.
: By the time I got to where I was meeting Steph and Abby for dinner (the one redeeming quality of the day), my feet were in such pain I actually stopped and bought shoes. I wish I was kidding.

That was my Thursday. Today is Friday. Please God, let it be better than yesterday. Weekend of comfy shoes and sleeping in, here I come.

(Photo via ...stephanie...)


  1. Oh that sounds like a horrible day. I hope your Friday goes much more smoothly.

  2. OMG I hate days like that. I hope today is going better!

  3. oo no~!!!! that doesn't sound pleasant at all!!
    i've also gone to the store just to buy shoes in a similar situation.. it's ok!
    *hugs* hope today was better for you!

  4. Thanks--Friday was significantly more enjoyable!


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