Sunday, September 20, 2009

meet me at the fair.

Hello readers,

How were your weekends? Mine was much too short. Doesn't it feel like it was just Friday afternoon? I suppose I always feel like this though. I despise Sunday evenings. Do you ever think that the older we get the quicker time feels like it's going by and eventually a weekend will be like the blink of an eye? (Okay, I promise, that's as melodramatic as I'll get in this post.)

My weekend started off with an "Office Party," for the return of my very favorite show to Thursday nights. I knew I always liked Thursdays for something.

Note: Please don't laugh at my cupcakes. This was my festive way of trying to celebrate The Office in all of its glory. By making cupcakes try to look like men's dress shirts and women's blouses. I know.

I also spent an evening at a friend's lake house, with this kind of view out the back door. Wouldn't it be nice? I sort of liked coming home to my wood-sy and leaf-y backyard, though.

And then, came the parade. The fair even has a parade through town, yeah. They shut down a large majority of the town, blocking off the streets and bringing in cops from all over. It's actually really frustrating. If I secretly didn't love getting candy thrown to me and reveling in the fact that I never had to be in a high school band, I'd think it was sad.

Later in the day, after I babysat for a new family from daycare and recovered from the night before (refer to photo of tequila bottle), we went to the fair. Of course, it wasn't nearly as spectacular as I remembered it (it never is), but it was still fun. I ate fair food and played Bingo and watched a circus and went on the rides and the photos that I entered even won ribbons. Had I been seven again, I would have been beside myself with excitement.

Isn't it funny how that works? The older you get, the less exciting things become--birthdays, holidays, vacations, you know? I hate cliches, but it's true what they say: youth really is wasted on the young. If only I'd known that those watergun game prizes would have been the most excitement I'd get from the fair for a long time to come.

My weekend also consisted of: a trip to the fabric store, working on some Halloween costumes with a friend, participating in the Global Mala (read: pretending like I was fine while doing 108 sun salutations in a row while wiping my sweat when no one was looking and trying not to wheeze too loudly in case the girl next to me doing the free-standing headstand and breathing peacefully heard), and lots of food. I'm not sure why this weekend consisted of so much food, but it did.

After the fried chicken and caramel apples, perhaps this week should consist of lots of workouts.

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  1. I wish wish wish I could have been there for the fair! I will unabashedly state that I LOVE the fair. And it's nothing to be ashamed of!


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