Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are You Happy?

So straightforward: just change something. Is it that easy? What do you think?

(Found via automatism, via Typcut)


  1. In a way, there are so many factors that are out of your control that can contribute to your happiness. But at the same time, everything is what you make it. Set your mind to achieve something and you might be pleasantly surprised at your ability to make it happen!

  2. It looks so easy, but why is it so hard?!

  3. I think it could be what it takes, if you set yourself up to see things in a different light. that way even the mot so amazing stuff can be looked at with a positive perspective.

  4. Someone once told me that to change one's direction, you just have to alter the focus point by mere degrees. Once you make a change, your ultimate destination will be different.(like with a compass and a map...hard to describe).


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