Thursday, September 10, 2009


My name is Ruth, I love cats, and I enjoy crossword puzzles--

but I'm not a grandma.

Here's a little bit about me.

I always:

  • invariably, without fail, pour too much salad dressing on my salad

  • hope that someday my memoir will be completed (it will!)

  • have my camera with me

  • need to have my bed made--with the sheets tucked as tight as they can be

I never:

  • get any kind of enjoyment from winking--whether I'm the winker, the winkee, or a witness to the winking

  • pass up an opportunity to watch The Office, no matter how many times I've seen the episode

I revel in:

  • good lighting in movies

  • nights in

  • Thursday afternoons

  • playing with my sewing machine

  • listening to Ray LaMontagne endlessly

  • exorbitant amounts of really soft tissues

  • doing laundry, especially the folding part

  • the transition seasons--fall and spring

I hope you enjoy what you read here on Ruth Writes, and I always welcome emails with thoughts, greetings and recommendations! If you have a blog, I'd love to check it out! Be sure to become a follower and check back often for updates.

Here's to blogging!


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?