Monday, September 7, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

I crammed this weekend full of everything I could think of. I went out in the city for beers with friends(ha, city), tag saled with my mom (and got a great, harly-used french press!), had a slumber party, made an early-morning breakfast run, planned a certain girl's birthday party, cleaned and organized and cleaned some more, tried my hand at making vegetable samosas, played with three ridiculously adorable kittens, obsessed and freaked out yet again over my Big New Job, watched a funny movie and sucked on a Blow Pop, went apple picking and baked some apple crisp, and snuggled with Mary in attempts to forget about having to go back to work and school.

The samosas didn't really work out. I don't think I'll try that recipe again anytime soon. They definitely didn't taste the same as the ones we ate in South Africa. Anyone know a good samosa recipe?

Now that the long weekend is over (in the US, anyways), what are your thoughts for the hopefully-short week ahead? I'm going to try to get acquainted with my office and settle into the school setting that I'm oh-so-unfamiliar with. My goal is just to, well, not freak out anymore. I've done enough freaking out to last me a lifetime. Here's to a four-day work week!


  1. Apple picking sounds like lots of fun. My parents have lots of fruit trees in their yard, so when I was growing up that's where most of our apples came from... but we did go blueberry picking a couple times :)

  2. Yayyy for 4 day weekends! And birthday parties :) I wish I had been there with you!

  3. Adorable cat! And I love the stacks of books. I have a few of the same ones in my stacks.


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