Thursday, January 7, 2010

eyelids must stay open.

At any time of day,
no matter where I am,
I can always listen to Ray Lamontagne's
You Are The Best Thing,
and feel infinitely better.

Even though I've already had a cup of coffee
and a double soy latte,
I'm still not feeling this;
this computer, this desk, this flourescent lighting, this office--
I'm about to fall head-first into my keyboard, snoring.

(Sometimes I think baristas must make drinks decaf just to have a good laugh.)

Good thing I have my Ray Lamontagne Pandora station.
Good grief.

What do you listen to for a pick-me-up?


  1. I listen to Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap...this week. Next week it'll be something different :)

  2. My new favorite Pandora station is "1 2 3 4" by Feist.

  3. my new fav song right now is anything by FUN. <3

    cute blog!

  4. rilo kiley always cheers me up. oh, and "dancing in the moonlight"


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