Wednesday, January 13, 2010

my head hurts.

I can't think about this anymore. My stomach is queasy and my head hurts.

The exact house I stayed in during my trip to Haiti in 2007 has been destroyed, along with most of the neighborhood.

Make a donation here and St. Patrick-St. Anthony (a church in Hartford connected with my AmeriCorps program and Haitian Ministries) will match it.

I'm gonna go try to restore my faith in God.

{Visiting an orphange, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 2007}


  1. aww ru! *hugs* it's so horrible! I'm sorry love

  2. I know, such a dreadful, unbelievable tragedy. I will defintely be donating to the Red Cross.


  3. it's sickening to think about, truly.

    and that baby in the photo is sooooo cute.

  4. this must hit so close for you.
    try to keep the faith.

  5. Wow, this is very close to you. So sorry to hear that :-(

    It truly is so sad. It's great that you are spreading the word though about helping.



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