Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Felicitous Findings: Part 22

1. My Sigg bottle full of cold, green tea with honey and lemon (or, today, because I was out of both honey and lemons: with raw sugar and oranges).

2. The Catorialist. Yeah, The Catorialist. I know what I typed. It will make your heart melt and your belly hurt (you know, with all that laughter).

3. iPods without broken screens . . . . . I can dream, can't I? Mine's been broken for so long I can't even remember what it looks like with a clear screen.

4. A good pen.

5. Google. I mean, have you seen their offices?


  1. If your Sig bottle was anywhere near me, I would steal it.
    I wish for you an ipod with a screen.

  2. Theyre some lucky people at google. I remember watching a documentary on them.

  3. Yup the google offices are the envy of me as well!

    I'm off to check out the catorialist!! I'm sure I'm going to like it :)


  4. The Catorialist is great!! How funny they even copied the top100 thing from of his page.


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