Monday, January 25, 2010

a (small) dapple of my weekend.

Three photos. That's all I mustered this weekend. Taking pictures just wasn't on my to-do list. And thankfully, there wasn't much of anything on my to-do list.

I really needed to practice some relaxation this weekend, since I clearly have such a problem with doing nothing. So I got the cleaning/errands/odds&ends out of the way and actually made time to do things I wanted to do, like make headbands and take a bath and start some Valentines (I'm feeling so crafty lately, I suppose I should run with it!) I got around to finally trying this recipe, too (which, by the way, is delicious).

All in all, I had a nice weekend--even though I'll admit I'm already excited for this Friday . . .

Tell me: how was your weekend?


  1. Oh Shakespeare...dun dun dun.

    My weekend was spent designing little nighties. Very excited about them...may keep them all myself if I'm not careful :)

  2. thanks for reminding me to make Valentines ;)

  3. I will in no way, shape, or form being making anything Valentine related, but I sure am looking forward to getting one from you!! I don't think I've taken a picture since October, so don't feel bad! I'm glad your chick pea things turned out well!

  4. Chick Pea snacks... mt all time favorite. Love them! my weekend was spent working. so eventful i know.

  5. The valentines cards are so sweet! You've inspired me to make one this year for my boyfriend - pass the doilies!! x

  6. Yay on doing nothing!!
    i think my problem is that i'm too good at doing nothing...
    my to-do list's always get half-done.


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