Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a tidbit.

Getting ready for work this morning, wearing one black boot and one brown boot:

Me: MH, which do you think looks better--the black or the brown?

MH, scrutinizing my outfit: The black. Definitely the black.

Me, looking in the full-length mirror: Are you sure? I kinda like the brown. I think I'm going to wear the brown, actually. Would that be really bad?

MH: Well, yeah, it would be.

Me: I'm wearing the brown.

MH, as her face contorts into a look of disgust: Okaaaay, but like I said . . . the brown's pretty terrible.

Children can be so honest sometimes.

(Photo via JennyLeigh)


  1. Haha...harsh. But at least you know she's honest :)

  2. Awwww, that sounds like a conversation my boyfriend and I would have :)

  3. Gotta love the honesty, right? :)

  4. That's pretty funny! But yeah, honesty IS a good quality at least!! ;) xo

  5. Hah! This is a great little piece of life. Wonderful. xo


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