Friday, January 8, 2010

need for a change.

I took this photo yesterday morning as I was warming up my car. Needless to say, it was frigid outside--but that didn't stop me from trying to capture a snowflake in my lens. If only I could take one like this . . .

I've been feeling lately like I need a change. Does that ever happen to you? I get bored or frustrated with something in my life and I feel the urge to do something drastic. However, I can only chop my hair so many times before a.) it gets too short to keep chopping (and I think I look terrible with short hair!), or b.) it becomes too commonplace and isn't a drastic change anymore.

Tell me--what do you do when you feel like you need a change?

I'd change my nail polish color, but that just won't cut it.


  1. hmph... i was hoping you could tell me,
    i feel like this ALL the time

  2. sometimes i like to re-organize the furniture in my room or get bangs... nothing too big though.

    ps - i like your photo better <3

  3. ( I am a friend of Jana's and I read your blog all the time)

    I dye my hair or rearrange furniture...and i rearrange furniture a I have to say I am there with ya feeling the same thing

  4. yeah, my life.
    love that photo!
    maybe I should try my hair.
    same style for ever and ever. boring.
    Hope you figure it out.

  5. oo i'm always itching for change, usually it is a hair cut, or dying it, or my new favorite is re-arranging/painting rooms.. the only problem there is it can get expensive. lol

  6. Wow, thanks for the responses . . . you guys are great :)


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