Tuesday, January 19, 2010

playing in the snow.

Friday afternoon, I didn't have to go into work and got to spend the afternoon at home. I took my time coming home from my morning doctor's appointment, went to the gym, shopped for a few groceries (I have an absurb affinity for grocery shopping) and then got some reading (for work) in.

Later that afternoon, as the sunlight was just beginning to fade away quickly, MH convinced me to go outside with her while she went sledding. I told her I wouldn't sled, but that I'd take my camera along as she played on the big hill in our backyard. "I'll sled slowly so you can take some good pictures," she told me. Sometimes I think she could be a ten-year-old photographer.

Even though I hate bad lighting and all these photos are somewhat dull-looking, the grey light on these dead hydrangeas seemed too perfect to pass up.

If only I were still so young that wearing bulky snowpants and winter coats didn't bother me, and that I could run outside happily and build forts in the snow all on my own.
This was entirely her pose. She practiced this stance for a good minute, without smiling once.

The sunlight faded fast and made the bright white snow look dirty and grey in its absence. So we snapped a few more photos (much to MH's chagrin) and tromped through the snow up to the house.

I miss the days of being young and playing outside, don't you? I'm glad I have a little sister, though, to remind me of it all.


  1. We used to sled and/or ride bikes like it was our job. Even if the sun went down! Love that you're there to share it with MH now!

  2. i remember that hill! we tried 'snowboarding' down it once! I wish i had a little sister tos have those times with!

  3. I miss playing in the snow too. Your right though, those snow pants just don't look right anymore. Glad you got to share this with MH though.

    P.S Thanks for the birthday wish. :)

  4. The hydrangeas and the wood piles are the best! You've got quite the eye :)

  5. This post is precious! My younger sister is 19 and sometimes acts as if she's much much younger in spirit (such as running around in snowpants all day). So at least I get to pretend I have a much, much younger sister sometimes!


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