Monday, January 11, 2010

happy birthday, little blog.

One year ago today, I started this little blog.

What started out as a silly daydream of becoming a "professional" blogger and doing nothing more than lounging in front of my computer in a cafe somewhere downing lattes and typing as I pleased

quickly morphed into an independent study for a creative writing class at the prodding of a dear professor.

I called it A Facet Of My Growing Age.

It then morphed into this little project, documenting the first year of my life after college graduation (partly because it gave me some blogging direction, and partly as a means of getting through this year and remaining sane).

I call it Ruth Writes.

And now, it's been exactly eight months since I graduated and one year since this blog began.


In honor of this blog birthday/blogaversary, I've put together a mini-giveaway!

I'm giving away a handmade headband, custom made just for my faithful readers.

Simply leave a comment below telling me how your blog got started (I'm nosy!). On Friday, January 15th, I'll choose a winner at random and you can tell me your band, fabric, and beading choices.

Good luck and thank you for being a part of my little blog!
If you're reading this in a feeder, click over to see my new banner.


  1. Congratulations, little blog!! My blog got started at the prodding of a certain sister...and lasted about 2 weeks. I just don't have the stamina that you have to keep it going, so good for you! And I love the new banner with Ms. Stella.

  2. wow been that long already huh. My blog started 6 months ago as a fitness log.
    hope that camera is treating you well. fyi I have no interest in this headband, ill never wear it lol. im just bored, so dont pick me.

  3. yay!! Congrats on your aniversabithday!:-)
    Just for fun, I started my blogging, after reading my friend Alisons and wanting to comment on her stuff, and then decided i'd make it a place for my philosphical whimsy :-D
    Love you ru! congrats!

  4. Yay, happy happy birthday blog!!!

    I started my blog when my boyfriend and I were living away from home (in the south of England) and having trouble making friends. I missed girly gossip and talking about girly things!! Now that we've moved back home to Scotland I'm too much in love with blogging to ever give it up!

    ps: love your new header!
    pps: I totally had a nap on my sofa today - heaven!!

  5. I love your new header. Gorgeous cat.
    Happy Blog birthday.
    Started my blog as a place to record garden and crafty adventures. Haven't been so crafty, have been gardening, and now I just ramble on.
    Love your blog, your writing and spirit and fun.

  6. Happy bloggedy-versary!!

    I started my blog after getting more and more involved reading blogs (after planning my wedding in May 2008... Style me Pretty was where it all began for me) and I thought I should do more than just lurk... and my spot on the web was born!


  7. Happy blog birthday, my blog is nearly a year too, congratulations and I love your new header!

    I started my blog after reading blogs too like Saskia - I was bored at work and I missed being creative so it seemed a good way to have fun :)

  8. Happy One Year Blog Birthday Ruth! Have I mentioned that your photography seems to be getting better and better with every week?!

    My blogging started on myspace (believe it or not) where nobody read a damn thing I wrote, but I realized I really liked writing on a regular basis anyway. So I thought I'd launch a "real" blog because I was feeling very isolated and depressed. I can't even begin to tell you how helpful it's been both on a creative and personal level. I think it's one of the most beneficial things I've ever done !

    I am embarking on the horrific process of letting my short hair grow out (I think) so I hope I win one of these cute headbands because MY HAIR IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!

  9. Hi Ruth...saw your post over at Melanie's blog and decided to check it out. Nice kitties...I miss having one. I don't think the Standard Poodle would like it much. I started blogging much like Melanie: because I felt isolated and alone. I remember how nervous I was when I first sent it wondering if anyone out there would EVER read it. And how exciting it was to actually hear a comment from someone. Beyond belief. I, too, love to sew (on a treadle!) and I also have a "thing" for pens and pencils (actually any kind of implement for writing or painting). Congrats to you!


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?