Wednesday, January 20, 2010

rice pudding.

All day long, I've been reading Smitten Kitchen. I've read the words "Smitten Kitchen" so many times today I could make up a song about it. Smitten Kitchen SmittenKitchen SMITTEN KITCHEN. I don't know what it is--the witty banter, the gorgeous photos, the scrumptious little baby, or (perhaps) the mouth-watering cuisine.

Either way, I'm smitten.

You see, I'm trying this alternative lifestyle (did I hear someone say diet? I didn't say that. I said alternative lifestyle. You know, alternative to my old gain-ten-pounds lifestyle. The word diet implies it's bound to fail, in my mind. So it's an alternative lifestyle. Say it with me: ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE.) In other words, reading Smitten Kitchen all day is making my insides churn and my tongue seize up. I need some carbs and I need them now.

Fortunately, A Day That Is Dessert somehow heard my inner plea for help and sent out her latest post into the blogosphere for me to find. She made rice pudding for dessert, for her family. Um, PRINT. I brought that recipe home with me and whipped it up pronto. It sure did placate my Smitten Kitchen obsession. I'm not sure how fond I am of rice pudding to begin with, but if I was, this would be one great recipe. It was Vanilla Almond Rice Pudding, actually, and it was divine.

Unfortunately, my body tried to make up for the day-long goodie-starvation and forced my mind into thinking an entire bowlful would be okay. Now, my tummy hurts and I'm pretty sure I just confirmed my fear of lactose intolerance. Oops.

That's all.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah but it sounds like it was worth it! My body was on a carb kick yesterday, too.


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