Sunday, January 3, 2010

new year's resolutions, late.

I'm back, and I'm ready to blog.

It's odd--I was visiting Rachel in DC for New Year's, and completely meant to blog my new year's resolutions while I was there, but the days just slipped right through my fingers and before I knew it, I was leaving to go back to Connecticut again. And here it is January 3rd (!), and still no blog update.

Now, armed with a clean room and big glass of red wine, I'm ready to blog.

Did you make new year's resolutions? I used to think they were so silly. So cliche. Sure, yes, I always wish I could lose some weight or not eat as many sweets--why did I need the start of a new year to remind me that I haven't? Not this year, though. I'm sloughing off any residual crap from 2009 and starting a fresh, brand new life. (Okay, so maybe not that much is changing, but at least I have some good ambition, right?) This year, I'm taking these babies seriously. I'm limiting myself to three. Three. No more, no less. That way, I have a better chance of succeeding, don't you think?

Ahem, ahem.

1. I will become fluent in Spanish. That's right, 2010, I will master you. One day (it was Christmas actually, I think), while chatting with family friends who both speak multiple languages, it dawned on me that I have it all at my fingertips, and I'm just not utilizing any of it. My workplace constantly surrounds me with Spanish conversation, and if I really wanted to, I'm sure I could work hard on picking it up.

2. I will continue to go to the gym every day. That's right--I've already been doing this one . . . . . who knew I had self-discipline?? I got a membership about three weeks ago and it's been smooth sailing since!

3. I will focus on being in the present. I want to stop worrying needlessly about the past or the future and instead savor the here-and-now. I'm reminded of a Thoreau quote: "Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each."

Thank you, Henry, I think I shall start resigning myself.

There you have it, my Three New Year's Resolutions. Of course, I have plenty of other things I hope to conquer and achieve and work towards, but these three are 2010 goals.

Bring it on, brand new decade! I welcome you with excitement and open arms.


  1. Those are great resolutions to have. Happy New Year!

  2. Wow, those sound fantastic. And yay for you aobut the gym!


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