Friday, November 12, 2010

braving it

stone wall
stone wall, meadowcows in the fieldripplesanother lake

Yesterday during my lunch break I finally braved it and went to the park by myself. There was only one other car when I pulled up and I tried to quell any imaginative fears and just walked. I was there for the exercise, after all. I slung my camera bag across my side and stopped only for the important photo ops.

I've never been so scared of walking in the woods by myself. Maybe I've just grown too spoiled having acres of woods in my backyard, but it was a strange feeling, being in this beautiful wildlife preservation and wanting to get the fresh air and stopping to take pictures, but being so fearful of what might happen. I'm sure it's all just imagination-getting-the-better of me, but in the moment--it feels so insanely real.

But I did it, and had a glorious lunch break before I had to go back to wiping snotty noses and changing poopy diapers and reading board books to toddlers. Carmella and I talked recently about knowing the difference between unhappiness and fear--something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

At least being scared out of my mind and having limited time for my break made me power walk, though.


  1. I know exactly the creeped-out feeling you're talking about. Sometimes I wonder if a place has a bad history and some people are sensitive to its vibes...

  2. I get that same paranoid feeling, props to you for overcoming it


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