Thursday, November 11, 2010


::I'm sick. So sick. My head feels like a brick and I can't breathe through my nose and my throat hurts from all the coughing and I'm pretty sure my swollen glands must be protruding from my neck. And you know that terrible, horrible feeling you get when you're about to sneeze but can't? ALL DAY LONG.

::Since I've quit my second job as a barista, I've taken on more hours at daycare (see above for a glimpse of my working conditions this week). This comes with a daily one-hour break during which I've got to find a way to entertain myself (there's no break room and I'm half an hour from home). Yesterday I found a series of walking trails winding up hills and around ponds about ten minutes away from work, but I turned back five minutes into the pond loop after a chilling remembrance of stories like Chelsea King's came to mind. I was too scared to go back today. Isn't that weird? I don't usually let my imagination get the better of me like that. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow, and bring my camera with me.

::I have no plans this weekend, besides babysitting on Sunday night. I think I'm going to keep it this way.

::I went into the grocery store today (on said too-scared break) and, although I came out with $15 dollars worth of food, all I really wanted was the bottle of tonic water I need to balance out my bottle of gin at home. (And now it's 8:30pm, and very well worth it.)


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