Monday, November 22, 2010

a dapple of my weekend

cards and boozeAlign Centermy birthday pie (banana cream)jana + snowballjanaposingfeeling sillybest friendssharing shoesbeet greens"scenic overlook"the pastry case at haymarketthe candles at haymarketvegan blackberry coconut bar, gonestreets of northampton, lightsmoon over mass

There was a visit home from Jana for a Thanksgiving/birthday celebration and an opportune blank wall for a photo shoot, a morning of slow errands and cuddling with the cat, a last-minute trip to Northampton for tea at Haymarket and lots of staring at the full moon.

Not nearly enough time, though.


  1. ooo, i'll take a slice of that cake!

    love the lights in the trees, and all your photos (as usual)
    -you know, i went out specifically to be outside under a full moon and... it was cloudy!!! figures...

  2. Oh, I love Haymarket! Whenever we visited my sister at Smith, a trip to haymarket was ALWAYS involved.

    I love the pictures of you and Jana. She looks like a good friend- I bet you two have a lot of fun together!

  3. I cant believe lights are already going up in trees, I am jealous. I think my trees need to be dolled up soon too. Love your photos

  4. Mmmm i'll take some, rather all, of those cookie's please! :)

  5. These pictures are nice.Looks like a cozy weekend.


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