Monday, November 8, 2010

sunny days and birthday parties

sun on the leavesbranches, wind chimebirthday girlsnail polish partyglam girls

This weekend was filled with lots of babysitting, birthday parties, running errands, and celebrations. Two nights of babysitting, one day of running errands, one night on the town for my birthday (!), one ten-year-old's glamorous beauty birthday party (I was the hairdresser), and one semi-leisurely morning.

Even though a lot of this weekend was really busy with running around and hurrying up, I didn't mind it. Weekends suddenly seem so much more free when you don't have a job to get to.

Time suddenly seems so much more.....happy.

I hope your weekend was happy too!


  1. Oh, I feel like I can feel your joy through the screen. I'm so happy for you!

    Have a fantastic week!

  2. yay! so good to hear that you had a happy weekend.
    i think, sometimes the responsible thing to do is to let go of things (like jobs) that don't serve you. especially if it means greater happiness!

  3. kids parties are so much fun, looks like you had a grand weekend


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